05 Sep Fun September Events in San Diego
Del Mar Racing
Through Sept. 10
The Del Mar Thoroughbred Club (DMTC) hosts world-class thoroughbred horse racing, welcoming the industry’s top athletes to the Del Mar Racetrack.
See website for schedule. / 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd.
858-755-1141 / www.dmtc.com
Wine & a Bite Art Walk
Sept. 8
Stroll the historic downtown district, enjoy wine, have a bite, and see a unique art experience.
5:30-8:30pm / Downtown Fallbrook
Sycuan Pow-Wow
Sept. 8-10
The Sycuan Pow-Wow is a time for people to get together, sing, dance, renew old friendships and make new ones, and a time for young people to meet and court.
5577 Dehesa Road, El Cajon
Sunset Cliffs Car Show
Sept. 9
All Show Vehicles are welcome! Cars, Trucks and Motorcycles, Golf Cart Show. Hosted at the corner of Sunset Cliffs Blvd and Pt. Loma in the church parking lot, Trinidad Motors parking lot, and Inn at Sunset Cliffs parking. There will be food trucks, live music, free giveaways, raffles, ride alongs in exotic vehicles.
10am-5pm / Ocean Beach
619-222-7901 / www.oceanbeachsandiego.com
Oceanside Sea Lions Golf Tournament
Sept. 9
Benefiting Rady Children’s Hospital for Childhood Cancer. $85 per player or $300 for a foursome. Includes cart and box lunch.
8:30am-1pm / Emerald Isle Golf Course
619-997-5083 / www.oceansidesealionsclub.com
Fall Wine & Bull Dog Dine Fundraiser
Sept. 9
We will have games, contests, food, drink and raffles to benefit So Cal Bulldog Rescue. Join friends for food, drink, and merriment at an operating winery with beautiful surroundings. Bulldogs are welcome and must be on a leash while enjoying the property.
4-7pm / The Vineyard 1924, Fallbrook
Older & Bolder EXPO
Sept. 9
This premiere event will feature health-related businesses, non-profits and senior related organizations. The event is free to the public. Booth space is available for businesses interested in promoting their products or services.
9am-1pm / Carlsbad Senior Center
760-931-8400 x212 / www.carlsbad.org
ArtWalk Carlsbad
Sept. 9-10
The festival will display every medium including painting, sculpture, glass work, fine jewelry, photography and more. More than 150 fine artists’ work will be featured, along with interactive art for families at KidsWalk, a full palette of musical performers, food trucks and stands, and more.
11am-6pm / Armada Drive
619-615-1090 / www.artwalksandiego.org/carlsbad
La Jolla Cove Swim
Sept. 10
The Kiwanis Club in La Jolla is organizing a swimming event at La Jolla Cove. The one and three-mile courses of the Swim start and finish at the picturesque La Jolla Cove.
9am / La Jolla Cove
National City Job Fair
Sept. 13
Those attending the job fair are encouraged to prepare with plenty of resumes, dress to impress in professional attire, and project a positive attitude. in addition, it’s important for job seekers to take the time to research companies and job openings they are applying to, and follow up with them after the job fair.
10am-1pm / Southwestern College of National City
In Wonderland
Sept. 14
Sparks Gallery will transform into an immersive “Wonderland” for one night only, themed to Alice’s adventures in the famous Lewis Carroll novel. Enter through the rabbit hole to immersive artist activations, and experience surreal and magic realism artworks on view.
6-9pm / Sparks Gallery, San Diego
619-696-1416 / www.sparksgallery.com
Casino di Piazza
Sept. 15
The evening will feature craft cocktails, light hors d’oeuvres, live music, Blackjack, Craps and Roulette under the stars. Dress to impress in your very best cocktail or black-tie attire as you enjoy every detail carefully curated to give guests the most authentic Italian garden casino experience.
7-11pm / Piazza della Famiglia, Little Italy
619-233-3898 / www.littleitalysd.com
Great Escondido Chamber Challenge Cup Golf Tournament
Sept. 15
We’re proud to partner once again with the Escondido Police Athletic League and have the proceeds benefiting both of our organizations again this year! Get ready for an awesome day of golf, friends, food, and making a difference in our community!
6:30am-2pm / The Vineyard @ Escondido
760-745-2125 / www.greaterescondido.org
Otaku Smash Festival
Sept. 16
Otaku Smash Fest invites guests to express themselves through the art of Japanese pop-culture! The agenda includes music, performances, a cosplay contest, food and more!
3-8pm / Japanese Friendship Garden of San Diego
619-232-2721 / www.niwa.org/otaku
Chula Vista Champions 5K Run
Sept. 16
Open to all ages, including children in strollers! Walk or run the beautiful training center and visit vendors after the event.
8-11am / Chula Vista Elite Athlete Training Center
Amps & Ales
Sept. 16
A total of 30 breweries, two stages of local live entertainment, and let’s not forget the amazing bites! This year will be jam packed with amazing headliners including The Sleepwalkers, Sandollar, and Sure Fire Soul Ensemble!
12-4pm / Memorial Park, Chula Vista
619-422-1982 / www.downtownchulavista.com
Old Town San Diego Fiestas Patrias
Sept. 16
Our exciting and colorful Fiestas Patrias parade kicks off the festivities that will include the Escaramuzas, traditional women equestrians. Following the parade, there will be a variety of entertainment, including historic and traditional music and dance groups, crafts, games and informational demonstrations that represent the activities enjoyed by the early settlers on San Diego in the 1800s.
Old Town State Historic Park
619-220-5422 / www.oldtownsandiego.org
OMBAC Classic Longboard Surfing Contest
Sept. 16
Grab your vintage surfboard (or beach chair) and gather for a nostalgic longboard competition. Proceeds from the event go to benefit Drowning Prevention Foundation of San Diego AKA San Diego Junior Lifeguards.
North Side of Crystal Pier, Pacific Beach
Live Well San Diego 5K
Sept. 17
In partnership with 211 San Diego, the annual Live Well San Diego 5K and Fitness Challenge brings thousands of San Diegans together in support of a healthy, safe, and thriving San Diego County.
6-11am / San Diego County Waterfront Park
Taste of Old Town
Sept. 21
As you embark on your self-guided tour, you’ll receive a comprehensive map that will guide you to the very best Old Town restaurants. The participating restaurants will showcase their signature dishes and offer tantalizing samples for guests to savor.
6-9pm / Old Town San Diego
619-228-9340 / www.oldtownsandiego.org/taste
Whiskey & Wine Party
Sept. 22
The flavors of the deep South and Northern California converge at this West coast BBQ bash. A nod to the property’s horse ranch heritage, this southern-style feast under the stars features a menu of comfort food favorites washed down with whiskey, bourbon and wine tastings. Sample some of the best whiskeys and personal reserve bourbon as live music and bonfire sparks float on the night air. This event is 21+ older.
6-9pm / Estancia La Jolla Hotel & Spa
858-412-0500 / www.estancialajolla.com
La Mesa Movies in the Park
Sept. 22
Tonight’s movie is The Super Mario Bros Movie. Games and vendors available before the movie starts at sunset.
Sunset / MacArthur Park
Poway Rodeo
Sept. 22-23
Each year, we come together to showcase the talents of our skilled riders and celebrate our Western heritage. It is a time when the community unites, families create lasting memories, and friendships are forged in the dust of the arena.
See website for schedule. / 14336 Tierra Bonita
866-776-7633 / www.powayrodeo.com
Nissan Super Girl Surf Pro
Sept. 22-24
Jam-packed with world-class surfing competition that will blow your mind, and a festival village loaded with female-inspired vendors, activities and amazing entertainment. The event is free to attend!
Oceanside Pier
Miramar Air Show
Sept. 22-24
The largest military air show is returning to provide a unique and special flight line experience with immersive experiences, static displays, and daytime shows that feature military demonstration teams, civilian aerobatic teams, aerial solo acts, vintage aircraft and warbirds.
San Diego
Health Fair Saturday
Sept. 23
Booths include providers from the health, wellness, insurance, and lifestyle industries. Free health screenings, and live, interactive demonstrations throughout the promenade area of Parkway Plaza.
11am-3pm / Parkway Plaza, El Cajon
Movie in the Park: Coco
Sept. 30
Inflatables, ice cream truck, Ballet Folklorico, face painting, and more before the movie.
4-8:30pm / Town Center Community Park East, Santee
619-258-4100 / www.cityofsanteeca.gov
Chula Vista Art Fest
Sept. 30
This free community celebration will showcase the diversity and talent of our local artists in Chula Vista and South Bay. It will feature artists, exhibit space, musical performances, food, and art activities for the community to enjoy.
12-9pm / City Hall lawn / www.chulavistaca.gov
Double Peak Challenge
Sept. 30
10k Competitive Race, 5k Fun Run, Kids Trail Trot. Race proceeds will benefit the San Marcos community through two important non-profit organizations: Friends of San Marcos and The Boys and Girls Club of San Marcos.
6:45am / San Elijo Hills Park, San Marcos
760-744-9000 x3508 / www.doublepeakchallenge.com